Pu is the word we use to express not knowing in the Mirdan Philosophy (blog 1).
There is a boundary between knowing and not knowing that we frequently encounter and cross ( blog 2).
An example of such a boundary: Computers are made according to simple rules, while we live in a world that often does not fit the boxes the computers operate on. (blog 3).
There is a gap between the knowable, programmable and understandable world of computers and that of the unknownably deep and complex world we live in.
We can make that gap visible with pu.
Using the symbol for pu:
When a software user is able to indicate that she does not know or has doubts about certain elements of information, she generates information about this gap.
Example 1
You are looking up the contact details of a person on the contact database. You personally know the individual
and see the employee details are no longer correct but you do not know his current state of employment.
You have the ability but not the time to find the answer to this unknown.
Because this contact database is powered by pu software it enables you to quickly note: I have doubts about this information, employer data probably incorrect.
Other users will be notified of the doubt contained in this part of the record and will think twice before using the employer data. When they call the employee or the company, they can now ask it and improve the information.
Without this insight it would have continued to travel unnoticed through the organisation, not becoming visible until it arises as a problem. Sharing this doubt improves the quality of the information in an organic way.
Example 2
You work for a charity. An existing member calls to say they would like to remain a member but are unable to pay the full membership due to a change in circumstance.
You know this person is an active contributor in many other ways and would like to ensure this person continues to work for the cause, but the charity and the admin software does not allow you to indicate this person is more valuable then the monatery contribution.
Pu-software will enable you to indicate the real world situation.
Head-office notices your doubt and comments and decides during the next general meeting to change the membership structure and instructs the implementation of the software.
Sharing of doubt enables the software and the organisation to adapt to the changing real world.
Example 3
You collaborate with a group of people with the intention to map the future water shortages in India.
In addition to the questions, answers and documents you collect,, the pu-software allows you to share doubts and unknowns with your peers.
This way you will not only gather the currently available knowledge, you will also get insight in the knowledge still needed to get a complete overview of this problem.
A smart collection of pu-functionality can be integrated in many different software packages, enabling users to visualise their doubts and unknowns.
Sharing doubts gives other users much deeper insight into the value of the information.
Smart reporting will provide management with metrics on the functioning of the software such as: does it still respond to the needs of the bussines?
Pu software helps to identify the gap between system and reality and by doing so starts building the bridge accross it.
Sharing of doubts and unknowns increases the value of your computer systems greatly, it is essential in a computerized society.
Sharing doubt is the new gold.
In blog 5 I will demonstrate pu-software in a CRM-environment.
Which software do you think would be improved by pu-functionality?